Worship takes place in-person and online on Sundays at 11:00 am. Our services are intergenerational, warm, and inviting. If you can’t join us in person, know that we will miss you! You can always join our live online services on YouTube, where you can find an archive of prior worship events.
Time-honored traditions have formed Christians for centuries. Creeds help us proclaim our faith. Carrying the cross and flame reminds us that the Trinity guides our daily living. Hymns help awaken our hearts to the love of God made known in Jesus Christ. The rooted, living faith of our ancestors gives us wings for our journey today. Join us for a warm, inviting atmosphere where the Holy Spirit forms us more into the image of God.
Worship is not a spectator sport. We bring honor to God when we all offer our skills and talents. Would you be interested to read scripture? Can you greet people at the door? Interested to serve communion or welcome people with announcements? Would you like to join the choir or offer musical gifts? Everyone has a unique skill to contribute, and we welcome all. Email us to let us know!